Sunday, August 26, 2007

Raising Day!

The raising went very, very smoothly. The weather was perfect. Surrounded by friends and family and trees.

So many people to thank. I couldn't have done it alone, and I couldn't have done it better with any other crew.

I'll let the pictures say the rest.


At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a great experience to be a part of this. You've created a legacy that will last for generations to come. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Derek said...

Your blog is amazing! I really like the joinery and style you've chosen for your frame. I'm considering embarking on a similar project myself. I'm curious how you secured the rafter feet to the top plate; In the pictures it looks like they're just let in without pegging or any sort of birdsmouth tennon. Maybe this is sufficient? Anyways great blog and even better timber frame!


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